IranContra 2.0 - as is practiced now - appears to have a toe in same said niche. See Bill Conroy's Special to The Narco News Bulletin (March 11, 2008, U.S. Cocaine-Plane Invasion Spooking Latin America, Trail of Evidence Points to Major Covert Operation Targeting Venezuela).
In IranContra 1.0, the US sold weaponry to Iran for the Iraq-Iran War (the US also sold weaponry to Saddam Hussein for that war), .... after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in which the US embassy staff were held hostage. Within months of Reagan taking office, the Iranians experienced a miraculous turnaround and began winning battles. The weapons shipments to them may have been payback for "October Surprise" (ceasing all communication with the Carter Administration and not releasing the hostages until after Reagan's inauguration). Adelino Amaro da Costa- defense minister of Portugal objected to the shipments of weaponry from and through Portugal, destined for Iran - was assassinated immediately after going public and threatening to elevate it to the UN. See Paul Mitchell's Portugal: inquiry concludes bomb killed Prime Minister Carneiro in 1980 (10 January 2005) on the World Socialist Website:
A new parliamentary inquiry into the deaths of the Portuguese prime minister and defence minister in 1980 has concluded they were the victims of a bomb blast on board their aircraft....
...In December 2004, Nuno Melo, president of the latest commission of inquiry, announced, “We have evidence of an explosive device placed under the floor of the pilot’s cabin, which had sufficient strength to damage control cables and injure the pilots.” Melo explained that chemical analysis of the plane wreckage demonstrated the presence of potassium and lead, which can be used to make a bomb. “It seems sufficiently clear to me that the Cessna 421A crashed at Camarate during the night of December 4, 1980 due to sabotage,” Melo stated.
Melo also suggested that a possible motive for the assassinations was illegal gun running from Portugal to Iran during the 1980 Iranian hostage crisis. The seizure of 52 hostages in the US Embassy in Teheran was the culmination of the Iranian Revolution of 1978/79. Following the overthrow of the last government appointed by the Shah of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini assumed power. The inability of President Carter to secure the hostages’ release contributed to his unpopularity and helped spell defeat for Ronald Reagan in the 1980 election.
According to the commission, da Costa had cancelled a shipment of guns from Portugal to Iran which then resumed five days after his death. More guns were sent from Portugal to Iran on January 22, 1981—two days after President Reagan’s inaugural speech, during which he announced the release of the hostages.
Other evidence presented to the commission alleges that the guns, re-labelled as farm machinery, were shipped with the help of Army Marshall Costa Gomes, who was Portuguese president from 1974-1976, and Admiral Pinheiro de Azevedo, who was prime minister in 1975. Two former members of the right-wing terrorist group Commandos in Defence of Western Civilisation (Codeco) admitted they knew who had planted the bomb.
The theory that the ministers were assassinated to cover up a secret US arms deal with Iran involving shipments via Portugal has been pursued by Ricardo Sa Fernandez, the lawyer representing the relatives of the crash victims, who is also a former Portuguese finance minister.
In his book, The Crime of Camarate, Sa Fernandez claims the intended victim of the plane crash was actually da Costa. He says da Costa had discovered documents showing that Portuguese army officers secretly helped send arms to Iran in a deal between officials linked to 1980 presidential and vice-presidential candidates Reagan and George Bush Senior, and intended to raise the issue at the United Nations Security Council....
IranContra 1.0 involved selling weaponry to a nation who sanctioned the kidnapping of US personnel (in Tehran and Beirut) ... supposedly our enemies ... and laundering monies through the Savings & Loans ... and buying cocaine from Colombians and distributing it to gangs in major US cities ... in order to support the Contras in Nicaragua ... and negotiate the return of the Beirut hostages (CIA's station chief in Beirut, William Buckley, & others).
We've already identified the 'mortgage industry' as being a good candidate for providing the laundering end of IranContra 2.0. If the same said operation were being executed now, exactly what 'militias' are being trained and supported by the CIA? In the 1980s, it was the Contras, with the 'mujihadeen' in Afghanistan probably also benefitting from a drug-profits slush fund.
What militias seem to have a steady supply of weaponry nowadays? The scale of this operation may not be just for Palestinian civil war.
Perhaps the question will bring it all home when its phrased ... what INSURGENTS seem to have a steady supply of weaponry nowadays? ... Iraq, Afghanistan, and as of lately, Pakistan. Note that particular Baluchs (traditional opposition to the Pakistani government) have reported being trained by both US & UK military and intelligence officials.
What is the ostensible justification for continued US presence in those nations? The Insurgencies and the instability they have brought for Iraq and Afghanistan.
What if there were no insurgency? What if someone threw a war and nobody came to fight? Who was supplying personnel and funds to the insurgency in Iraq? Our old friends from the 'funding the mujihadeen' days ... the Saudis.
Cleanup has already begun ... Viktor Bout was arrested and extradiction is being pursued by the US (from Thailand, "suspicion of attempting to ship arms to American agents who were posing as Farc rebels in Colombia"), and this was supposedly engineered by DEA unbeknownst to the CIA. Uh-huh. Sounds like someone from the CIA dropped a dime on the merchant of death.
Ciara Durkin had seen / discovered something happening at the Bagram Air Base right about the time its airport was upgraded to accommodate C-5's, which enabled the bypassing of all CENTCOM refueling bases - something so out of the norm that she warned her family to investigate, in the event of her untimely death. Had she discovered the weapons and/or the heroin drugs end of IranContra 2.0? She was killed - execution-style - shot to the head - on the secure Bagram Base.
Heroin and/or poppies from Afghanistan, for eventual heroin distribution into the former Soviet Union, Europe and the UK via the CIA's creature in the Balkans - the Kosovars; cocaine runs to the U.S. from Colombia and Venezuela; laundering the cash through the mortgage industry; supplying weapons to insurgencies in at least 3 nations. Seymour Hersch identified one of the operations - The Redirection, (March 5, 2007).
What does this mean? We're funding and supplying folks to fight our troops?
I believe that's called treason in a time of war. Its not the first foray into that for the Bush family (see Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell's How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power on The Guardian (UK), and Webster Tarpley's work).
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