Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"War on Terrorism" is BOGUS

Michel Chossudovsky's well researched Al Qaeda and the "War on Terrorism", found on GlobalResearch (Jan 20, 2008) provides a detailed history and excellent summary of what is really happening in this bogus war on terrorism:

....Known and documented, the "Islamic terror network" is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus. There is firm evidence that several of the terrorist "mass casualty events" which have resulted in civilian casualties were triggered by the military and/or intelligence services. Similarly, corroborated by evidence, several of the terror alerts were based on fake intelligence as revealed in the London 2006 foiled "liquid bomb attack", where the alleged hijackers had not purchased airline tickets and several did not have passports to board the aircraft.

The "war on terrorism" is bogus. The 911 narrative as conveyed by the 911 Commission report is fabricated. The Bush administration is involved in acts of cover-up and complicity at the highest levels of government.....

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