Monday, December 10, 2007

UK Wind Farms Expansion Planned

Bill Jacobs reports on The Scotsman about the UK's plans for a massive expansion of wind farms - up to 7,000 turbines to boost the production of wind energy 30-fold by 2020:

... the new farms will most likely be in deep-water locations up to 200 nautical miles offshore.... Mr Hutton admitted the "step change" would alter the face of the waters around the country - with the equivalent of two turbines to every mile....

...Mr Hutton has shelved plans to situate new wind farms within 12 nautical miles of the Scottish coast at the request of the Scottish Government - which is responsible for both its territorial waters and the UK Renewable Energy Zone surrounding Scotland - as there is limited scope for such development....

... "There is great potential for deep-water offshore wind farms - especially in the North Sea where oil companies are very interested in terms of not just supplying electricity to the UK but to Europe. This is being driven by the market." So far there are five offshore wind farms operating in England and Wales, six under construction and a further six with planning consent.

In Scotland, there is the Beatrice demonstrator deep-water wind farm, off the North-east coast, and plans for inshore wind farms at Robin Rigg in the Solway Firth - which will supply Cumbria in England - and in Aberdeen Bay...

North Sea oil production is declining.

1 comment:

AerynSun said...

Danny Fortson has a story on the Independent today about biodiesel fuel research - algae into fuel:

"Royal Dutch Shell, the oil giant, is to fund a project in Hawaii to grow algae that can be converted into biodiesel fuel.

Through a collaboration with HR Biopetroleum, a tiny government-funded start-up on the Hawaiian island of Kona, Shell has formed a new company called Cellana that will build a facility to demonstrate the commercial and technical viability of algae as a source of biodiesel. A 2.5-hectare site is being built to locate seawater ponds to grow algae, from which vegetable oil will be extracted and then converted into the fuel...."