Friday, December 21, 2007

PART III - British soldiers killed with US weapons


Now to the drugs side of the equation --

Peter Dale Scott (Berkeley) has chronicled the drug distribution operations of "The Meta Group" (which involves "Far West"):

... some of Far West's work with Halliburton is apparently approved by the CIA....

...Russian sources estimate that from 1991 to 2003 the same group shipped to Western Europe up to 300 tons of heroin and sold it to wholesale buyers of Kosovo Albanian nationality. In the same period they sold up to 60 tons of heroin to Azeri and Roma (gypsy) wholesalers in the Volga and the Urals Federal Districts of Russia. The group's total receipts for heroin in 1991-2003 are estimated to be $5 billion. The chief narco-baron of the group is said to be Vladimir Filin, who is also the head of Far West....

Note at the end of September, Army National Guard Spc. Ciara Durkin, stationed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, was murdered - shot once through the head, her body found near a Church on base. She had warned her family during her most recent visit that she had seen some things she didn't like and had made enemies because of it.

Note that Bagram runways had just been upgraded to be able to support C-5s -- the largest airlifter in the Air Force inventory and has the ability to carry 36 pallets of cargo, it has unlimited range through aerial refueling, and could bypass the main (U.S. Central Command area of responsibility) hubs.

Note the opium "golden arteries" into Iran & Turkey, and into the Caucasus countries.

And note that heroin abuse is up at least fold, possibly 15 fold in the Caucasus countries, and is increasing in Russia (80,000 drug-related deaths are registered annually in Russia; 350,000 drug addicts were registered in the country at the end of 2006; 70% of those people who admitted to drug use are under the age of 30).

Also note that Charles D. Riechers, principal deputy assistant secretary for acquisition for the USAF was "suicided".

Ciara Durkin's family has gone to their Senator, John Kerry, for assistance investigating the matter. Note this is the same John Kerry who was responsible for producing the COVER-UP/BRUSH UNDER THE CARPET report for the Congressional IranContra investigation.

Bringing this up-to-date: Buzzy resigned from Blackwater's advisory board; the State Department's security chief Richard Griffin was forced to resign; then Cookie resigned from the State Department / Blackwater investigations, and then, from the State Department itself.

Has our illustrious media missed yet another story of USG-sponsored drug running for weapons?

Were the plans for IranContra merely re-architected for Afghanistan-Iraq-Lebanon?

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